• Metlife Building, 200 Park Ave Suite 1796 (17th floor) New York, NY 10016

Properly Wiping Down Your iPhone Germ-free During Times of Covid

Now more than ever, it is important to not only keep your hands and body sanitized but also the accessories you use every day. This includes your smartphone. Many studies to-date have proven that your personal cell can carry up to 9-12x the number of germs and bacteria that your toilet seat carries. With Coronavirus concerns still looming, we all want to mitigate exposure concerns as much as possible and we are going to give you some easy tips on how to do just that.

Keep in mind that every time you go to unlock your phone and shoot out a text or make a call, you are passing microbes from the oils on your skin onto your phone. If you are going anywhere public and placing your phone onto surfaces, it is attracting the surrounding bacteria as well.  So how do we keep our phones clean without having to put all that much effort into it?


How to Wipe Down Your Phone and Accessories

Before beginning the process, always make sure to turn your cellular phone off, unplug it from any charging ports, and remove any carrying cases or protective gear on the phone. After you’ve separated your phone and the protective equipment, it is important to wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap to ensure you aren’t adding bacteria and microbes to the phone right after you wipe it down.

When you begin wiping the phone, you should keep in mind that you do not need to aggressively wipe the phone down – a gentle scrub will do just fine. That said, it’s always better to spray your cleaner onto a soft cloth rather than spraying it directly onto your phone. Ensure your disinfectant cleaner contains at least 70% isopropyl as it is the minimum amount of concentration that any germs on the phone’s surface. Gently wipe down both the inside and outside of the case as well as the surface of your phone but be careful not to get moisture in any of the ports!!!

Lastly, if you can, try and clean all your tech once a day or every few days, especially if you are still leaving the house often! When we say, “all your tech”, this includes your headphones, smart watches, and any other accessories that are connected to the daily use of your personal phone!

Remember we mentioned using at least 70% isopropyl when cleaning? There is more to the story. If you are too high on the range and have something with 100% alcohol, you can potentially damage your phone’s protective coating.


Above All..

Keeping all your technology products germ free only takes a few moments out of your day. However, after all that being said, there’s one major safeguard you can put in place to protect yourself. And that is to keep all your tech products to yourself! Try your best not to pass around and share your phones, tablets, headphones, etc. with others! The less they come in contact with other people, the lower the likelihood of viruses and germs becoming passed on to you. For more information and advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the experts at NYC Mobile Device Doctors.

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      Monday - Friday

      8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    • Where
      Metlife Building
      200 Park Ave
      Suite 1796 (17th Floor)
      New York, NY 10016
    • Phone


    Posted on: December 2, 2021